$ETH There is still half an hour left. Whether it is good or bad, it is an opportunity. We have already arranged long orders at this position. If it is bad, we will consider stop loss if it effectively falls below 3500. However, it is an opportunity to continue to arrange spot orders. Data can only affect short-term trends, and the big framework will not have a concept

Sooner or later, interest rates will be cut today, so the end point is to continue to release water. In addition, the core benefits of Ethereum, ETF has not yet been listed, and the market may have underestimated the amount of funds on Wall Street. It is easy to enter the market with a few hundred million to control the market trend

So at this position, whether it is spot or contract, you must ensure that you have a layout. Don’t directly pull up and break your thighs. The profit and loss ratio is worth it

What orders do you currently hold? Welcome to leave a message to discuss

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