Recently, everyone’s mentality has been confused by airdrops again, pizza, ionet, zksync, etc.... projects have been airdropped one after another.

Although the witch hunt operations of many projects have also caused the airdrop results to be like the results of the college entrance examination, with some happy and some sad, and the wealth effect may not be as exaggerated as the previous round of airdrops, the stories of getting rich through airdrops have always intrigued people.

If you don’t know which project to start with, you might want to take a look at Monad, the leader in the parallel EVM narrative.

With its hard-core technical background and huge financing, Monad, which is bet by many top institutions, has naturally attracted much market attention.

This article gives you a quick overview of the various opportunities currently available to participate in the Monad ecosystem.

Hardcore technical ability, but with meme attributes

Monad is a high-performance Layer 1 that focuses on the concept of parallel EVM. It hopes to improve and enhance the execution efficiency of EVM in the Layer 1 network through parallel processing, thereby unleashing the potential of the EVM ecosystem.

The official white paper states that Monad achieves a processing capacity of up to 10,000 TPS, which is comparable to Solana’s processing performance. It is also compatible with EVM, which means that Ethereum smart contracts can be easily migrated to Monad. Imagine the future of Solana+ETH fusion.

The primary market has long recognized Monad's potential. In April, Monad Labs announced the completion of a $225 million financing led by Paradigm, which is the largest cryptocurrency financing so far this year. As of April 10, the cumulative financing has reached $244 million.

Not only does Monad have hardcore technology and a strong financing background, its official marketing style is also widely praised.

The Monad community has a very positive attitude towards meme culture. Officials often use various emoticons to interact on Twitter and hold community meme-making activities every week. Monad, which is permeated with various meme cultures, may be mistaken for a memecoin at first glance, which is very different from the image of technical hardcore narrative.

This kind of relaxed and friendly marketing naturally receives a positive response from the community, and every tweet from Monad receives a lot of interaction from community members.

Community activities + project interactions, various ways to participate in the Monad ecosystem

High-performance narrative + huge financing with celebrity background + officials who know how to deal with things, do you have a feeling that “something big is coming”?

But at present, Monad is still in the non-public internal testnet stage and has not been opened to users on a large scale.

However, there are still many ways to "save the country" and participate in Monad's future airdrops.

Join the community

Wormhole has already airdropped its token $W to all members of the Monad Discord group, which shows that being a member of the Monad community is truly valuable.

Monad welcomes healthy dialogue within the community and encourages community members to actively communicate and participate in project construction, so actively joining the community to participate in discussions is a good way to fight for Monad token rights.

In the community, actively participate in discussions and you can get DC group status.

Every week, the Monad community holds various activities, such as AMA on Twitter, social poker entertainment, brainstorming, etc.

The community also encourages users to introduce Monad to others in their own way, including but not limited to making memes, writing introductory articles, etc.

Interact with ecological projects

Although Monad has not yet been launched on the mainnet, there are already projects that have settled in the Monad network. Interacting with already deployed ecological projects is also an effective choice for the mainnet that has not yet issued a coin.

Liquidity Protocol Elixir

Elixir is an on-chain order book liquidity enhancement protocol. Through integration with the Monad ecosystem, Elixir allows users to natively provide liquidity to various currency pairs. Elixir aims to bring a layer of permanent liquidity to Monad, thereby benefiting the entire ecosystem.

Elixir expects to release a token airdrop in Q3 2024, and you can now participate in the interaction by minting $EXLETH and providing liquidity.

Minting $EXLETH:

  • Visit

  • Connect your wallet

  • Minting ELXETH

  • Deposit $ETH (minimum $100 to get bonus)

  • Get the Elixir Mystery Box and withdraw your $ETH in August

Providing liquidity:

  • Go to Elixir’s liquidity page

  • Connect your wallet

  • Click on a currency pair and provide liquidity

Decentralized Exchange Swaap

Swaap Finance adopts the AMM model, allowing users to trade without the need for a traditional order book. It combines oracles and dynamic spread mechanisms to provide more accurate market prices and automatically adjust spreads based on market conditions. It provides liquidity providers with sustainable returns by dynamically adjusting asset allocation and transaction fees in the liquidity pool.

Since the Swap function has not yet been opened in Swaap V2, the current interactive method is simpler. Users can deposit assets to add liquidity and earn income.

Adding Liquidity:

  • Go to

  • After linking your wallet, select the corresponding asset to deposit

Interact with collaborative projects

As mentioned above, Wormhole provided airdrop shares to the Monad community during the TGE, so Monad is also likely to airdrop to the Wormhole community, especially since Wormhole recently started staking its token $W, which provides another possibility for Monad airdrops. Now you can participate in the Wormhole ecosystem to get a chance to participate in Monad airdrops.

Stake $W

  • Go to the Wormhole staking page

  • After linking your wallet, select Stake

  • Select a node for staking

Using Wormhole Cross-Chain

  • Go to

  • LinkWallet uses Wormhole for cross-chain

*Cross-chain interaction is based on the principle of doing what can be done, and the focus is still on $W staking


The strong background and active community also show that Monad is not a shell project that only collects salaries. Once the official test network is launched, it will inevitably attract a large number of studios to participate in it.

For individual players, participating in the Monad ecosystem in advance to seize the opportunity before the airdrop is counted is a good way to alleviate airdrop anxiety and make profits with a high profit-loss ratio.

PS: This article does not constitute any investment advice. Project interactions are risky. It is recommended to use a new wallet address to interact with the project.

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