$NOT has no owner now since the owners have revoked their right, but how can this affect the price?

Here's a breakdown of how stopping the supply of a currency can impact its value:

General Principles:

- Scarcity and Value: Like any asset, scarcity drives up value. When there's a limited supply of something in demand, its price tends to rise.

- Demand: The other side of the equation is demand. If a coin has a limited supply but no one wants it, its value won't increase.

Stopping the Supply:

- Potential for Increased Value: When a cryptocurrency has a fixed or limited supply, it can become more valuable as adoption grows. Think of it like a rare collectible. The fewer coins there are, the more valuable each coin could become if demand is high.

- Inflationary Pressure: Many cryptocurrencies are designed with inflationary mechanisms (increasing supply over time). Stopping the supply would essentially create a deflationary scenario. This can lead to price increases as people anticipate scarcity.

- Market Dynamics: However, it's not always a straightforward relationship. Other market factors, like:

- Competition: New coins and projects can emerge, offering alternatives.

- Regulation: Government policies can impact the crypto market.

- Use Cases: The utility of the coin (e.g., how it's used in transactions, DeFi applications, etc.) plays a significant role.


- Bitcoin: Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million coins. This limited supply is often cited as a factor contributing to its price appreciation.

- Ethereum (ETH 2.0): Ethereum is moving to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which will shift from an inflationary model to a deflationary one. This change could potentially drive up ETH's value.

Important Considerations:

- Stopping the supply doesn't guarantee price increases. Other market factors will come into play.

- Market Manipulation: A sudden stop to the supply could be manipulated by market players.

- Long-Term Impact: It's essential to consider the long-term implications and how the market might react to the change.