
What is Ethereum Prague - Electra (Pectra) Upgrade?

Ethereum’s Pectra upgrade combines two separate upgrades: the Prague upgrade and the Electra upgrade.

The Prague upgrade focused on changes to the network’s execution layer, while the Electra upgrade affects the consensus layer. Collectively, these upgrades are referred to as the “Pectra” upgrades.

The Pectra upgrade will follow “ Dencun ,” a fusion of the Deneb and Cancun upgrades, in March 2024. Technically, Dencun is an Ethereum hard fork that aims to reduce transaction fees for layer 2 solutions and increase Ethereum’s scalability.

Pectra is a new milestone on the Ethereum development roadmap and is scheduled to go live in the first quarter of 2025. This timeline allows for the inclusion of additional features to improve the Ethereum user experience (UX).

Pectra may incorporate Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 3074, a set of code changes designed to improve Ethereum wallets by allowing users to batch transactions and sign them in a single step. EIP -3074 was approved in April 2024, incorporated into the Pectra upgrade, and will allow regular crypto wallets to work like smart contracts.

The Pectra upgrade will also implement EIP-7251, which will increase the validator staking limit from the current 32 Ether ( ETH ) to 2,048 ETH. This increase, which enables validators to hold balances between 32 and 2,048 ETH, is an expansion from the previous limit of 32 ETH and is intended to reduce the rate at which new validators join the Ethereum network, meaning that staking providers allocate fewer resources to the staking and validation processes.

Upgrades may also include Peer Data Availability Sampling (PeerDAS) to extend rollups and the EVM Object Format (EOF), improving smart contract security and developer experience for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) at both Layer 1 and Layer 2.

However, Ethereum developers are discussing whether to replace EIP-3074 with EIP-7702, a new transaction type proposed by developers such as Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin to enhance account abstraction compatibility. In addition, they are considering implementing a patch for EIP-2935, which solves the problem of handling historical block hashes.

Developers are also considering including other EIPs in the Pectra upgrade, such as allowing validators to withdraw funds from smart contracts and removing the deposit window.

Pectra Upgrade Features and Benefits

The Pectra upgrade focuses on small-scale improvements to the consensus layer and execution layer updates.

EIP-7251: Increase staking limits

As of June 2024, the maximum valid balance of an Ethereum validator is 32 ETH. Therefore, to stake more than 32 ETH, a stake provider must launch multiple validators, each of which must stake 32 ETH. Since each validator must keep up with the rest of the network, a surge in validators can put pressure on the network's communication layer.

The Pectra upgrade will allow stake providers to consolidate their stakes across fewer validators by increasing the maximum valid balance to 2,048 ETH. This will reduce the number of messages that need to be passed around the network, relieving pressure on the validator network layer and potentially improving the efficiency and performance of the network.

PeerDAS/rollup improvements

PeerDAS expands on "blobs" introduced in EIP-4844. Blobs are a new way to optimize transaction data storage in Ethereum's layer 2 network, increasing block space and reducing transaction fees. They were introduced as part of the Dencun upgrade in March 2024. Transactions carrying blobs are similar to normal Ethereum transactions, but contain additional data for off-chain storage, reducing the burden on the Ethereum main chain.

EVM improvements

Improvements to the EVM, such as EOF, are planned to innovate and improve UX, developer experience (DevEx), and performance of both Layer 1 and Layer 2.

What is an Ethereum Improvement Proposal?

EIP is a critical part of the Ethereum development process and is the way to achieve upgrades to the Ethereum network.

An EIP is a proposal or standard that details a potential new feature, improvement, or process for the Ethereum blockchain network. They contain the technical specifications of the proposed changes and serve as a “source of truth” for the community, according to Ethereum.org.

Ethereum network upgrade proposals are submitted to the Ethereum development community and discussed and developed through the EIP process. Anyone in the community can create an EIP, and the author is responsible for reaching consensus with the Ethereum development community and documenting any disagreements.

EIP authors are typically developers. EIPs make changes to Ethereum and are proposed, discussed, and, if successful, adopted. Ethereum network upgrades such as Dencun and Pectra consist of a set of EIPs that, once finalized, must be implemented by every Ethereum client on the blockchain network.

Ethereum Development Roadmap: Prague/Electra Upgrade Timeline

Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade occurs in March 2024, while Pectra is scheduled to go live in 2025.

Ethereum’s post-merge roadmap is part of a five-step process outlined by Buterin to improve the smart contract blockchain after Ethereum moves to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism in September 2022. The five phases are Merge, Surge, Verge, Purge, and Splurge.

Based on experience with previous upgrades, Ethereum developers decided not to rush to release Pectra before Devcon in November 2024 so that developers can monitor the upgrade more effectively.

After Pectra, the next upgrade will likely include the much-anticipated "Verkle tree," a new type of data system that will allow Ethereum nodes to store large amounts of data. Pectra is seen as a relatively minor upgrade. According to Tim Beiko, head of protocol support at the Ethereum Foundation, the development of the Verkle tree will take more than a year, with the upgrade expected to last until 2025. This time the Ethereum network upgrade will be much more significant.

Verkle trees are part of Ethereum’s post-merger roadmap, promising to reduce proof sizes and lower hardware requirements for nodes. Vitalik Buterin noted in a post on X that the Verkle tree feature will allow staking nodes to run on “nearly zero hard drive space and sync almost instantly” to improve user experience and user-facing light clients.

Verkle trees are being developed as part of the “Verge” phase and will likely be included in the “Osaka” upgrade after the Pectra milestone in 2025.