$io opened at $3.75 yesterday.

This price is not high, and there is limited room for decline.

In terms of narrative ceiling, it is more imaginative than $fil $rndr.

If the business model can be run through,

It is not difficult to exceed the market value of the two above.

In terms of first-level k mining: I understand that the cost is between 0.7u-1.5u.

This group may have a large number of people outside the currency circle participating.

Many people are not very familiar with the currency circle.

They basically sold it when it went online.

VC: $io raised $30 million in round A financing at a valuation of 1 billion in March.

Now it is 3.2 billion in fdv and 400 million in circulation valuation.

The profit of investors is not very high.

In terms of token unlocking: the lifting period will not come until next year.

The third season is expected to start soon, but will the ratio of points to tokens remain unchanged?

This is also an unknown.

Look forward to $io bringing the narrative of the Ai sector #第55期新币挖矿IO #IO价格预测