What should I do if people around me don’t understand my cryptocurrency trading?

Why do people need to understand cryptocurrency trading? Cryptocurrency trading is not a fashion show, not a performance for others.

Many friends around me have always been curious. I have never worked, how do I support myself, and sometimes I spend money generously.

If I say I trade in cryptocurrencies, they will think I have been cheated and not doing my job properly.

If someone keeps asking, just say I make short videos, self-media, etc.

It’s not that I don’t say it, it’s that I can’t say it. If I say it, I may not believe it, and if I believe it, I may not invest. It’s better not to say it.

Otherwise, how can we say that trading is sometimes lonely and boring, happy and interesting.

What else is more interesting than having more and more chips in hand?

I said before that every retracement is the best opportunity!

So, these two days are so lively, how can we be missing, I won’t say anything

There are people who eat pig’s feet rice every day, and there are more people who drink soup with David

Say to those stubborn leeks: If you are not good, just practice more!

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