Lever plummeted 40%, and the dog dealer sold the coins.

Lever dog dealer has learned the essence of High coin. When the market falls, it frantically pulls up the price to attract attention, and then frantically sells the coins when the market stops falling.

Last night, Lever dog dealer recharged 647 million Lever to Binance, and just sold all of them, selling more than 2 million u, causing Lever to plummet 40%.

The dog dealer's eating is too ugly. Pity the retail investors who took over at high prices.

The coins shipped by this dog dealer are the same as High. You must not catch the flying knife. The dog dealer will not pull up the price after selling.

The consequence of this coin is that it will slowly fall to zero and finally be delisted.

Be careful when buying Lever at the bottom.

#lever $LEVER $HIGH