Stop buying altcoins immediately!

A manifesto against altcoins

Why stop buying altcoins

The main reason for buying altcoins before was that the market value of altcoins was low, the volatility was large, and low-priced chips could be picked up. The upper limit of the market value was clear, which was suitable for coin friends with average capital.

The current status of altcoins: the operating costs of old altcoins are too high, and no dealer is willing to intervene. It is better to launch new projects than to intervene in old projects. New altcoins have changed the underlying logic, and grassroots entrepreneurship has further moved closer to VC investment. When launching projects, they do not design and innovate from the project itself, and mainly use false names such as high education to earn VC favor. VC raises the valuation of the project before it goes online. The project party uses the high valuation of VC to carry out Odyssey and other points activities in the test network stage to increase the TVL and user activity on the chain, and uses the data produced by coin friends as slaves to give to VC. VC relies on relationships to use extremely watered data to win exchanges , and finally completed tge in a larger exchange, converting the high valuation into a high market value. Since some tokens were airdropped to black slave players during the tge stage, the labor of black slave players became the sunk cost of the new copycat, making the price of copycat coins peak as soon as they were listed. Secondary players were miserable, and the players who were playing with money became more and more excited. In the end, VC and the project side won by doing nothing. The whole process has long abandoned the foundation of the copycat coins in the currency circle. All projects are the same, and there is no innovation. Then the copycat coins have lost their meaning. Big cakes and memes are really the last harbor for leeks.