After a waterfall near noon, the intraday big cake market went below 68,000, and then it has been running in a fluctuating downward trend; in the evening, it first saw a narrow float around 67,000, and then it fell again at midnight, with the low point reaching 66,000, accurately reaching our target point of the Silk Road in the evening. The downward trend of the concubine is also very fierce, with the lowest point reaching 3427, and it has also walked out of more than 100 points of floating space. For the big cake and concubine Kongdanbuju given in the evening, after the market came out, we took advantage of the trend to leave the factory with 898+89 points of space. Didn’t I say that when the trend comes, we must follow the trend. Here, the timely transformation of the Silk Road not only made up for the loss of the morning, but also had more than enough strength, and the ability to face the market has been judged.

From the hourly level, we can see that after the recent market plunge affected by the news, the whole body is affected by one hair, and the downward trend continues to rise. Although there are corrections and small floating rebounds during the period, the overlapping trend has become the main tone of the short-term market. The two consecutive negatives in the day show unilateral momentum. The lower track of the Bollinger band has been opened. The moving average indicator continues to diverge downward after turning. The midnight short string 🉑 further sees a decline, and then it will be 箜.

Big cake: 67000-66500箜, see 65500

Aunt: 3450-3470箜, see 3400#美联储利率决策即将公布 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH $BNB