After experiencing the market's correction and shock, there are finally signs of recovery, but it has fallen into a new round of anxiety. Why do retail investors always realize it late and make wrong decisions?

Recently, the market has begun to spread news that the market will rise rapidly in June and July. Many people have entered the market without thinking, but they are trapped.

Many people began to wonder whether the main force has installed monitoring, and why it always starts to fall after retail investors buy.

In fact, these news are likely to be deliberately released by the main force to induce retail investors.

Retail investors are often easily affected by these news and make wrong decisions.

Looking back, whether it is inscriptions or sol, retail investors bought after hearing the news, but ended up losing money. These news are always realized late, not only can't help retail investors make money, but will put them in a bigger predicament.

Now, the market has begun to spread news that the altcoin will fall sharply and the interest rate cut will be delayed, which will lead to a sharp drop in the currency circle. These news have once again disturbed the mentality of retail investors.

Investment is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't be confused by temporary news, stay calm and rational, and stick to your investment strategy