#IO价格预测 #币安用户数突破2亿

At the beginning of 2023, your goal is 50 times;

At the end of 2023, your goal is 20 times;

At the beginning of 2024, your goal is 10 times;

At the end of 2024, your goal is 5 times;

At the beginning of 2025, your goal is to double;

At the end of 2025, your goal is to get back your investment;

In this market, you can only look at the projects seriously and dig out good projects. The big cake is still sideways at 69,000, and the cottage is already at the low point of the bear market. Look, Ares has dug up a magical project of OK, less than 1 billion US dollars + Binance OK online, top institutional investment, more than 80% of tokens unlocked, belonging to the key track ai gamefi, there is one right now, comment area 888, Ares will take you to start!