In-depth analysis and prevention suggestions of the theft incident

Recently, the theft incident on the platform has attracted widespread attention. How did the hacker succeed? After analysis, we found that the hacker is likely to successfully invade the account through the following channels:

1. Password leakage: The hacker is likely to obtain the user's account password. This type of password leakage often comes from the user using the same or similar passwords on multiple websites. Many users habitually use 1-2 sets of passwords to deal with multiple websites, which undoubtedly increases the risk of account hacking.

2. Mailbox flood attack: After obtaining the password, the hacker may also flood the user's mailbox, further expanding the scope of the attack.

3. OKX's 2FA vulnerability: It is worth noting that OKX's mobile phone SMS two-factor authentication (2FA) may have a vulnerability. In China, SIM card swapping (SIM swap) is more difficult, but hackers may bypass this security line through other means.

In order to prevent such incidents from happening again, we strongly recommend that users take the following measures:

1. Use independent strong passwords: With the help of professional password management tools (such as 1Password), generate independent and difficult-to-guess strong passwords for each exchange account. For example, use a complex password like `763hdhK@1` to ensure account security.

2. Enable Google Verification: In addition to SMS verification, it is recommended that users enable additional security verification methods such as Google Verification to provide multiple protections for the account.

By strengthening account security measures, we can jointly resist hacker attacks and ensure the security of digital assets.

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