Why did Mr. Ma go to the Wailing Wall? And why does Wang Shi say that Israelis are hardworking every day and ask us Chinese to learn from them? Because they see the top structure of capital, and the first to surface are IDG, Sequoia, Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, and Berkshire Hathaway, which invest in China. These are all vest capital. Behind the vests are the three major financial groups that have surfaced in the past three years, namely BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, etc. They manage 10 trillion, 8 trillion, 4-5 trillion, and a total of about 150 trillion yuan. What a concept, the circulating market value of all stocks in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges is only 70 trillion, which is the value of two sets of Chinese listed companies. There are also more than 80% control of American companies. Apple of Steve Jobs and Microsoft of Bill Gates seem to be competitors, but Steve Jobs can kick you out at any time, and you can die of cancer at any time if you don't obey. Look at the richest man in the Jewish world, has anyone died of cancer? Bill Gates' two trillion empire was also forced to hand over intellectual property rights. They also control many companies that seem to be rivals, such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. These two are rivals, but they are actually one. There are also Unilever, Sony, HP, Philips, Ford, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Airbus and Boeing, Qantas, ExxonMobil, and the five major military and four major granaries in the United States, Bayer, ADM, and Monsanto in the ABCD chemical industry, and Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Novartis, and Merck in the pharmaceutical industry. So many big companies seem to be competing, which is to let you run the horse racing mechanism. Behind them are the three companies mentioned above, and there are Adidas and Nike, Prada and LV, and there are more media, such as Time Warner BBS, ABS, Disney, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, British News, etc. So they are determined not to tolerate Tiktok. But these three groups are just white gloves. There are eight big families behind them. BlackRock was founded by eight Jews. Its CEO is Larry Fink, known as the godfather of Wall Street. His aunt married a man named Rockefeller. The founder of Vanguard, the father of index funds, is named Hamburger Jo, who is Buffett's idol. The predecessor of the company he founded in 1974 was actually called Wellington Fund.$BTC