During the Dragon Boat Festival two days ago, a netizen posted online that all his assets in OKX were stolen by hackers. His life savings were all in it. In just 15 minutes, assets worth nearly RMB 5 million were gone.

After posting, there were more than one incident, and other netizens also suffered hacker attacks, causing varying degrees of asset losses.

The incident has attracted the attention of OKX officials, who have contacted the victim and said that if it is ultimately determined that the platform is responsible, the platform will take the initiative to assume responsibility.

Although everyone invests to make money, the safety of the principal is the first priority. If the assets are gone, no matter how good the market is, the profit will be zero.

When entering the encryption field, everyone must always be in awe and vigilance

So how should we protect our crypto assets? Here are three suggestions for you

First: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, diversify your options

For example, Binance, Ouyi, decentralized exchanges, decentralized wallets, large amounts of funds should not be placed in a single exchange, as they are easy to become targets of hackers.

(Be careful when choosing an exchange or wallet, many are fake)

Second: More rules, less trouble

This is also the great wisdom I felt when I went to Shanxi Wangjia Courtyard last year. Many friends like to "save trouble or spend less money" when trading.

It is precisely this practice of avoiding trouble and adding several more process verifications that lays hidden dangers for oneself in the later stage.

Third: Get rid of the mentality of taking advantage (the most difficult to detect and the easiest to fall into)

Some mines are buried by ourselves without knowing it. For example, some people like to short sell, take advantage of the market, or click on some links, web pages, apps, and small exchanges, thinking that they don’t pay anything and can get some benefits.

It was because of this small action that I suffered huge losses.

Scammers take advantage of people's desire to get something for nothing. In fact, they are targeting your principal assets. Once the time is right, they will not leave you a penny.

Do the above three points and you will be safe

Our understanding of all aspects of this industry determines our results.

From these three suggestions, we can extend them to trading. For example, don’t be too sure about a certain coin or a certain event.

Always be on guard against low-probability events. Low-probability events don't happen often, but once they do happen, they are fatal.

The cryptocurrency world is not about how much you earn from a transaction, but about who can survive for a long time and make steady profits.

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