Why did Bitcoin dive today? The reason is revealed!

📉 Hey, guys! Did you notice that Bitcoin price dropped to 67,800 today? This is no small matter! Why is this happening?

📊 The primary reason is the CPI data to be released at 8:30 tomorrow night! Just like the night before an exam, everyone is so nervous, worried that tomorrow's results (CPI) will not be good. So, those big investors "ran away" in advance, and the market panicked, and the price naturally fell.

🗣️ Also, don't forget Powell, the "big boss" of the Federal Reserve! He recently gave a speech, and the content seemed not optimistic, which also put a lot of pressure on the market. Just like a gust of cold wind, everyone shivered, and funds withdrew.

🔑 Speaking of the "core code" of rise and fall, it is actually the policy of the Federal Reserve! When to cut interest rates and how much to cut, these are the keys to affecting the market. Just like mastering a key, you can open the door to wealth.

🚀 Then we have to pay close attention to the currencies in the RWA track, such as ONDO, TRU, and POLYX. They may become new hot spots and bring us surprises!

🔔 So, my friends, investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market. But as long as we stay vigilant and keep up with market trends, we will definitely find our own treasures in the ocean of the currency circle! 🚀🌊

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