A group of rich people get together and speculate on things to make huge profits. One day, they found a batch of plates that looked particularly good on the market, and they decided to speculate on them.

After market research, there were 10 million plates in total, and the price of each plate was about 10 yuan. These rich people started buying plates at 10 yuan each, and collected 5 million first, which was the bottom warehouse. Now the price is reduced to 20 yuan, and there are still 5 million plates in the market, which is obviously not cost-effective. They want to buy more plates but are unwilling to pay a high price. Now they have 5 million plates in their hands, which can control the price. Many people in the market are unwilling to sell when they see someone buying plates, and want to wait for the price to rise before selling. These people bid 9.5 on the first day, and their own people bought their own plates. On the second day, they sold their own plates at 9 yuan. Seeing that the price of plates has dropped a lot, some people who have plates are anxious and start to sell them one after another. This is a trap to sell. There are not many people selling, and some people are still waiting and watching. They trade at 9-10 yuan every day, up and down. Some people can't stand the daily fluctuations and lose money, so they sell one after another. This is the shock wash. Suddenly there is news that this batch of plates is defective, and the price of the plates drops to 6 yuan. In fact, they sell to themselves. Of course, there are many people who are afraid that no one will want the plates and the price will continue to fall, so they also follow suit and sell. This is the negative wash. Then after the market calmed down, it slowly returned to 9 yuan, and suddenly fell to 7 yuan. Many people thought there was bad news again and sold quickly. In fact, it returned to 9 yuan in a few days. The price dug a big hole and quickly filled it up. This is the pit digging wash.

After a series of operations, the number of plates is about 8 million, and the cost is about 8 yuan. Do you know why the wash now? Use a low price to get more chips. You can't spend 20 to buy one, and then pull it up to 30 and no one wants to smash it. By the way, wash out the undetermined people so that the pull-up can be smooth and reduce the cost of pull-up. Isn't it good to cost about 8 yuan?

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