What is a human being?

This is what a human being is.

A person's life from birth to death is a proposition. How to be a human being.

As a human being, don't regard others' kindness as stupidity, and don't regard others' softness as a disease. No one is stupid, they just don't want to say it, and no one is stupid, they just don't care.

These few sentences can be summarized in one sentence: the people you can deceive are those who trust you.

You can take advantage because others let you, and you can grab the benefits because others give you.

As a human being, don't take others' kindness to you for granted. In this world, no one should spoil you except your parents.

Others treat you well because you deserve it, not because you are noble.

These few sentences can be summarized in one sentence: whoever treats you well, you should treat him well. If you do the opposite. You will be punished by heaven and reincarnation.

As a human being, don't look down on others when you have money, and don't look down on yourself when you don't have money. No matter whether you have money or not, whether you are rich or poor, it's not wrong to be low-key.

These few sentences are just two words. Only by being low-key can you keep your wealth. Failure to comply will result in floating wealth.
