Exchanges frequently have security issues, which is worth everyone's deep thinking?

How long has it been since the exchange updated its security measures? Is it necessary to have more complete security upgrades and system updates?

Ask yourself, why were they stolen? I didn't open the secondary verification? What experience can I learn from their theft?

All the big investors were exposed. Is it possible that some small investors did not pay attention?

In terms of asset allocation, many people think that exchanges are safer than wallets. It is true that more wallet private keys are lost or stolen than exchanges, but most of the improper storage of private keys is due to insufficient cognition and learning, and the reasons are relatively simple. There are various reasons for the theft of exchanges, which are unpredictable. Therefore, if you recognize large assets, you will not choose to put them in exchanges. Keep the private keys well. Only when the assets are in your own hands can they truly belong to you. #BTC