$FIL [Falling again and again?] The FIL ecological leader STFIL's escape incident has a huge negative impact on FIL. Will the FIL ecosystem gradually lose the market due to frequent explosions?

Regardless of whether stfil is illegal in China, decentralized smart contracts are an important part of the fil ecosystem. The stfil team is one of the earliest projects to participate in the fil virtual machine. It once won the second place in the global hackathon competition organized by fil (first place in China). Stfil received indirect investment from the protocol laboratory PL and received praise, affirmation and positive introductions on many occasions.

It is conceivable that if the stfil incident is not well resolved, it will have a very negative impact on the development of fil. The frequent explosions of the FIL ecosystem and the continuous increase in circulation, a large amount of new production and selling pressure every day, these will be directly reflected in the market price of FIL. If the official team does not do anything, it may gradually lose investor confidence and the market.

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