Before the big cake reaches a new high, don't buy any more altcoins. Any decline and correction before the big cake reaches a new high will push the altcoins to a lower position. The selling pressure of the altcoin unlocking is too high. If there is a chance to buy altcoins in the future, try to buy fully circulated or nearly fully circulated ones. This round of altcoin season will still follow the logic of the bull market. Local hot seasons will continue to be generated, but they will not be repeatedly speculated on one hot spot, but will be rotated. The interest rate cut will not bring a general rise in the altcoin season, but will only make the hot season hotter. The continuous entry of new funds will make the local hot spot altcoins rise more and the liquidity become stronger. In short, the era of lying flat to make money is over. Now it takes brains to make money in the bull market. The characteristic of this round of altcoin season is the rotation of local hot spots, not the general surge. As long as you don't hold those outdated altcoins, you have the opportunity to gain benefits in the rotation. If you like spot, want to roll funds together, and hoard bull market spot, click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, and wait for you in the circle! In the current fluctuating market changes, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !

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