Odaily Planet Daily News: The dYdX Ecosystem Development Program announced a new round of funding totaling $2 million, covering 10 specific projects, ranging from wallet integration, market making to trading robots and user interface improvements, as follows: 1. Integration with Keplr wallet; 2. Pulsar Trading will increase exchange deposits and liquidity through the program; 3. The program with Raven and Velar Technologies was extended for six months to support up to 60 markets; 4. Launch Incentive Program: Chaos Labs is responsible for managing and implementing a $10 million launch incentive program; 5. Isaac Telegram trading robot: The first release will support trading in the three major dYdX markets (BTC, ETH, SOL); 6. Copy trading robot: Funding for the open source copy trading robot developed by Erience Solutions. 7. dYdX Urbit client: AJ LaMarc will develop a client with one-click installation function. 8. Trading history and market page improvements: Nabla HQ received a grant to create an export function and redesign the market page. 9.Solana Node Management: Helius Labs will manage two Solana RPC nodes to support dYdX testnet validators to access price data. 10.dYdX Commodity Program: The program has been extended for six months to support new product development and operational optimization.