
Investing requires learning the following aspects of knowledge:

1. **Economic cycles**: Understand the cyclical operation of economic cycles, just like the changing of seasons. This helps predict market fluctuations and trends, thereby making more informed investment decisions.

2. **Politics**: Pay attention to the news and understand international events and their possible consequences. Political factors have a significant impact on the economy and the market, so understanding the political situation is crucial for investment.

3. **Human nature**: Recognize that it is human instinct to chase ups and downs, as well as the psychology of seeking benefits and avoiding harm. Understanding these human characteristics can help us avoid blindly following the trend and making emotional decisions, but instead invest according to principles.

4. **History**: Learning from other people's mistakes is the fastest way to learn. By studying historical events and market fluctuations, we can learn lessons, avoid repeating the same mistakes, and save time and energy.

When we know enough, our hearts will become firm, and we will no longer follow the crowd, but will be able to act according to the laws of nature. This is to understand the "Tao", and the Tao is God.

Here are some specific examples to illustrate these points:

1. Economic cycle:

- Understanding the economic cycle can help us determine which stage of the economy we are currently in, such as recession, recovery, boom or stagflation. This helps us choose the right investment assets and strategies.

- For example, bonds usually perform better during recessions, while stocks may be more attractive during booms.

2. Politics:

- International events such as wars, trade disputes, policy changes, etc. can have a significant impact on the market. For example, trade wars may lead to exchange rate fluctuations and increased market uncertainty.

- Paying attention to the political situation can help us prepare in advance and adjust our investment portfolio according to the situation.

3. Human nature:

- Chasing up and selling down is a weakness of human nature. When the market rises, people tend to blindly follow the trend and buy, and when the market falls, they panic and sell. Understanding this can help us avoid being swayed by emotions and make rational investment decisions.

- For example, stay calm when the market is frenzy and don't blindly chase highs; stay confident when the market is sluggish and don't sell easily.

4. History:

- Studying historical economic crises, stock market crashes and other events can help us understand the cyclicality and risks of the market. By learning from past experiences, we can better deal with similar situations that may arise in the future.

- For example, understanding the causes and consequences of the 2008 financial crisis can help us make smarter investment decisions in similar situations.

In short, investment is a comprehensive field that requires continuous learning and accumulation of knowledge. By learning about economic cycles, politics, human nature and history, we can improve our investment capabilities and make smarter investment decisions. At the same time, we must remain calm and rational, follow investment principles, and not be disturbed by emotions and market noise.