People from the lower classes tend to be more resolute in the face of challenges, because they don't have too many concerns and constraints and dare to take risks. However, once they fail, their predicament is even more severe, because they may find it difficult to recover quickly due to the lack of social resources and support. Failure in this context may sometimes even determine the direction of their lives.

For ordinary people, their ability to control wealth is often limited, and they can only manage hundreds of thousands of cash stably. When wealth exceeds this range, some people may become impetuous and begin to pursue pleasure and adventure, such as over-consumption, gambling or blind investment. This ability to control wealth is actually an indispensable part of wealth.

In addition, if a person loses social relations, he is like a beast, losing the shelter of civilization. Therefore, people often emphasize "gentlemen are cautious when alone", that is, they should also be cautious and self-disciplined when alone, so as to avoid falling into bad behavior due to the lack of social constraints.

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