To pursue financial freedom in the currency circle, you first need to understand the fact that this is not an easy road, because financial freedom itself is the achievement of a few people. A shortcut that seems simple but actually requires patience is to hold high-quality currencies such as Bitcoin for the long term. Through the accumulation of time, even if you only hold one Bitcoin, you may achieve significant appreciation in the future.

If you want to get closer to financial freedom faster, then increasing your earning power outside the circle and increasing your coin amount may be an option. This requires more effort and strategy, because in order to increase enough coins in a short period of time to shorten the time to achieve financial freedom, your income usually needs to increase significantly.

There are always ways to quickly achieve financial freedom, but whether in the currency circle or other fields, the probability of such success is very low. There are many startups and projects, but only a few can truly stand out. So while we can try such a path, we also need to maintain rational and realistic expectations.

What I want to emphasize is that we are often already on a relatively effective path, but we are always looking for so-called "shortcuts." However, the real shortcut is often persistence and patience.

For those of you who already have some experience in the currency circle, I hope my sharing can help you better understand the market and avoid unnecessary detours. We all want to find our own path and achieve financial freedom.

If you are interested in spot currency, you are welcome to join us, roll funds together, and accumulate more high-quality currencies. Remember, in the current market environment, collaboration and sharing information are more important than going it alone. Click on my avatar, follow me, and let's explore more possibilities in the currency circle.