It is said that you can increase your followers by touching me. 🤔After a rain, it moved like an earthworm again~

People asked me, why do you want to set up a community, why do you accept people like Ma Lei?

📌First: I can choose not to accept it, wouldn't it be fine if you don't ask. Why do you want to take up other people's time and think that you should respond to any questions you have?

🎈Second: The content of the square is all public, including the logic, and I don't hide it. In addition, 新手教学直播回放, after watching these teaching replays, don't you understand trading a little bit? Buy a few trading books on Taobao and read them. After reading them, won't you understand trading better?

You want to take up more of my time, and you want it for free? How dare you think? 🤔I can't afford it, so don't ask for it.

Also, is the content valuable? I think my content is not valuable at all, and there is even a lot of noise. People who think the content I share is useful will read it, and if they think it is useless, they will just take it for fun.

🎈As a blogger, it's pitiful if no one reads my content. How much money am I worth? It's good enough if someone reads my content. I never take myself too seriously. Teaching through entertainment has always been my style of doing things.

If we can play together, just play. If we can't play together, it's not difficult to block and block. Why bother pretending to be so great every day, stepping on others to get to the top and still feeling awesome.

To be honest, after seeing so many people, the angle of the corners of their mouths can't be suppressed by AK.

Yes, it's this expression😏😏😏 #BTC