Recently, Biden vetoed the resolution to repeal SAB121, partly because it was inconsistent with the concept of elections in the United States.

The US election is approaching, Trump supports cryptocurrency, and PEOPLE originates from the United States, similar to the previous DOGE, symbolizing the power of the people. This spirit and guidance may further promote the popularity of PEOPLE during the election.

So people must pay attention to it, there is a high probability that there will be a big wave before the election. There is a high probability that it will break through 1U before the election.

PEOPLE has great market value potential. Currently, the market value of $PEOPLE is only 600 million, while the market value of $SHIB is about 13.6 billion and the market value of $PEPE is 5.2 billion. In comparison, PEOPLE has a lot of room for growth.

PEOPLE coin is indeed very popular in the United States, mainly due to its close connection with the concept of the United States election and the widespread attention of the community and the media.

The following is a detailed analysis of the popularity of PEOPLE coin in the United States:

1. Community Support

PEOPLE Coin has received high support from the community, especially in the United States. This support is not only reflected in the active participation of community members in PEOPLE Coin, but also in the community's vote of confidence in the future development of PEOPLE Coin.

Community members expressed their support and trust in the project by holding and trading PEOPLE coins.

2. Media coverage

The dynamics and news of PEOPLE coin have been widely reported by the media in the United States. These reports not only focus on the price changes of PEOPLE coin, but also explore the technology and community governance model behind it, further enhancing the popularity and popularity of PEOPLE coin in the United States.

3. Market comparison

Compared with other cryptocurrencies, the performance of PEOPLE currency in the American market is particularly outstanding. Especially during the presidential election in the United States, the price and trading volume of PEOPLE coins increased significantly, which shows that PEOPLE coins are very popular and attractive in the United States market.

4. Risk Warning

After buying People, it is recommended not to buy all of it. The risks to consider can be compared with DOGE and SHIB in those years. Everything has risks. When you plan to enter the market, ask yourself how much risk you can bear, and then strictly implement it.

In summary, PEOPLE coin is very popular in the United States, mainly due to its close connection with the concept of the US election, widespread attention from the community and the media, and its strong performance in the market.

Old players in the cryptocurrency circle all know BitKing. He went from being in debt of 500,000 to making hundreds of millions with just 30,000. What trading system strategy did he use?

The King of Bit said: Regarding compound interest, I will use my own personal experience to talk about it. The first 10 million took the longest time and was the most painful. The trading system was constantly reshaped and polished, which took a year and a half.

The second 10 million took 3 months, the third 10 million took only 40 days, and the fourth 10 million took only 5 days. 75% of the funds were raised in the past six months.

The investor will only take action when he expects a 30% fluctuation, so the profit and loss ratio of BitKing will be very high. However, one of the fundamental reasons for the incredible returns of BitKing is that many people tend to stop when they are profitable and hold on when they are losing money.

And even though they know it is wrong, they just can't control themselves. This is the weakness of human nature. Compared to the other party's last sentence, if you do it right, you can increase your position with floating profits. As long as you catch a big market, your principal can be multiplied by more than ten or twenty times. Instead of frequently short-term,

This will only make your vision smaller and smaller, and you can only see profit fluctuations of a few points. This is the reason for the loss of ordinary transactions. To quote the above sentence, if you do it right, you can increase your position with floating profits. There is also an example of this kind, a man named Liang Xi, who also made tens of millions in the cryptocurrency circle by increasing his position with floating profits.

However, when people actually operate, many people fail to practice what they preach, which is the fundamental reason why most people lose money.
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