In the cryptocurrency world, soft-hearted people are always trampled on, while ruthless people are always the most carefree. People who can see through the cryptocurrency world at a glance and those who cannot see through the cryptocurrency world in their entire lives are destined to have two completely different lives. It is important to learn, understand, and avoid the cryptocurrency world's routines, because when you lose money and eat dirt, no one will care whether you are suffering or not.

1. Making up names

Private placement projects in the cryptocurrency circle usually come up with clever names and set a big flag to make the leeks feel that they are participating in a project with a bright future and full of justice. For example, VT's $ents claimed some time ago that it would restore the glory of BSC, but it ended up in a mess not long after it started.

This kind of project with a big flag is the most challenging for the project team. They have to show their unique skills every day. Today, Space, tomorrow

Do charity every day, tell a touching story in the cryptocurrency circle every day, move the leeks, move the exchanges, but cannot move myself. In order not to get too involved in the drama, I will choose an auspicious day, slip away, and forget about it.

2. Picking up other people’s leftovers

I have no original ideas, I just plagiarize others. This comes from Liang Qichao's "On the Relationship between Mixed Residence and Business in the Mainland": "I always fall behind others and pick up the leftovers." When a Solana gold dog is released, an identical BASE dog will immediately come out, a one-to-one copy and plagiarism, which is disgusting. This kind of thing should be blocked directly. You know, people will only remember that the first person to land on the moon is called Armstrong, and no one will remember that the second person to land on the moon is called Aldrin.

3. Moving a piece of wood to show trust

During the Warring States Period, Shang Yang carried out reforms with the support of Qin Xiaogong. After the new laws were announced, in order to convince people that the new laws must be enforced, Shang Yang ordered people to erect a wooden pillar more than three meters high at the south gate of the capital, and announced that whoever could move it to the north gate would be rewarded with fifty gold coins. A brave and strong man really got the fifty gold coins, and people believed that Shang Yang kept his word and acted according to the new laws.

"Moving wood to show trust" is a commendatory term, but it is used by many cryptocurrency project parties in their pre-market trading routines. For example, $LOVES two days ago allowed people who participated in the private placement to freely choose a refund one day before the opening. The leeks mistakenly believed that the project party had a vision. In my opinion, this is not a good thing at all. It's just that the project party is certain that most people will not refund, and if a small number of people get a refund, it can also increase the trust and goodwill of the project, so that the leeks will rush in more fiercely at the opening.

4. The fox borrows the power of the tiger

We often see local dog coins like Poly Comments and Musk Ming Milk that are riding on the popularity of big Vs. First of all, we should verify the authenticity. According to my countless experiences in the past, even if these are true, you may not be able to benefit from them once you know about them. You often buy them at high prices, so don’t be greedy. Generally, the popularity will be gone in a few days, and you will not be able to get out if you are slow.

So, if there really is a secret to making money, can anyone tell you? In this context, you have to keep an eye on the black hands of the banker and the insider trading. You have to grab the meat when there is meat in the wolf's mouth, and you have to withdraw before the market ends.

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