Many people ask how much U they put in when they first entered the cryptocurrency circle, and whether they made a profit or a loss in the end? How can I tell you? When I first entered the circle, I was a student and had been in the circle for almost 3 years. Because I like this track very much, I learn about this track every day and have a lot of experience. I am a pure naked K trading player. When I first started playing, I charged hundreds of hundreds of U in the network. Like everyone else, I lost everything. For this, I will not charge too much or open too many positions. I only play to gain practical experience and improve my analysis skills, because you must have a perfect mentality if you want to survive in this market. When I blow up my position, I will have a feeling of being overwhelmed. I had too little knowledge of this market before, and I would often put the only thing left in. Later, I thought, what if I win this time? What is the difference with gambling? How many times can I win? This problem needs to be solved in my heart.

Since then, I will learn analysis techniques and absorb every wave of experience before opening an order every day, because everyone has their own trading system. If you have been in the circle for a year and still don’t have your own trading strategy, you may not be suitable for this circle. I don't say how good you are, at least you won't lose money in this market. We all know that there are many big guys in this circle, and many of them have made their fortunes by doing this. They also slowly built up their achievements. It is impossible for them to achieve these achievements in just a few days. So do you think it makes sense to make a lot of money in a day? Even if you don't get carried away, the money will be spent and the result will be the same in the end.

This article is to remind the friends who have just entered this circle.

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