PANews reported on June 10 that according to a 10x Research report, $6.75 billion worth of Bitcoin was withdrawn from exchanges in the past month (about 97,000-100,000). This record-breaking trend was mainly driven by two US-focused exchanges, Kraken (55,000 BTC or $38) and Coinbase (24,000 BTC or $1.7 billion). In the past week, $771 million worth of Bitcoin was withdrawn from exchanges, a significant number compared to the 13,500 BTC issued last month. The only exchange with a large inflow was Bitfinex (7.2k BTC). In contrast, Bitcoin ETFs have purchased about $3.9 billion worth of Bitcoin (or 56,000 BTC) in the past month. Similarly, $1.9 billion worth of ETH was withdrawn from exchanges last month. In the past week, only $56 million worth of Ethereum was withdrawn from exchanges, and the outflow has slowed significantly.