The following is a tutorial on Wormhole staking:

1. Go to the staking website: Visit the [Wormhole governance website](

2. Click on Governance Rights: After entering the website, click on the “Governance Rights” option.

3. Click Start: On the Governance Rights page, click the “Start” button.

4. Choose the delegation method: You can choose to delegate governance rights to an institution or yourself. It is recommended to choose "self".

5. Cross-chain operation: Cross-chain $W on the Sol chain to the Base chain. Follow the prompts to transfer W from the Sol chain to the Base chain.

6. Confirm the pledge: Confirm the pledge operation on the Base chain. This process does not involve a lock-up period, and the pledged coins remain in your wallet.

Follow the above steps to complete Wormhole staking. Since there is no lock-up period for W staking, your staked coins are always in your wallet.

Risk Warning: Short-term traders should not participate in governance and any staking.

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