6.09 Cryptocurrency Circle Early News:

We don’t produce news

We are just the carriers of news

1. $BTC weekend market continues to fluctuate around 69,000; choose a direction, wait and see

2. The copycat continues to collapse, and it seems that there is no support. It is recommended to focus on the right side. After all, the big brothers on the left are buried with me;

3. In the early morning, Trump’s son participated in $MAGAA’s Twitter space, calling orders online to pull the market. It can only be said that the big brothers who stayed up late made money again;

4. Orbit Chain hackers have completed money laundering of 4,000 ETH at the beginning of the year through Tornado Cash;

5. The 16th rune project will be minted on June 9, and will first be exclusively open to MagicEdenWallet users;

6. @machibigbrother has purchased a total of 8.6 million FRIENDs since May, and has lost 7.9 million US dollars;

7. Founder of Magic Eden: About 1,100 unnatural transactions have been cleared from the system 10,000 diamonds; the bricks and stones in hand are valuable again. Da Mao

8. LayerZero co-founder: Nansen has confirmed nearly 61,000 witch addresses; the report is too disgusting

9. $RCH rose 2000% in one day. The front-row addresses have not sold since they bought. The market has shifted its attention to#Ethererumagain. Pay attention to the innovative disk;

10. The open airdrop project @rivalz.ai is very early and has been very popular abroad recently. Currently, only a few hundred people participate in it. There will be a tutorial later

Participation link: rivalz.ai/?r=titafabriana


The market is volatile and the leverage is being cleared. Do less and watch more

Finally, the key point is here

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