[2024.6.9 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

After the decline of Ethereum yesterday, it has been trading sideways at the bottom. Congratulations to everyone that the cottage fell again. What do the brothers who buy cottages every day feel? Tell everyone to make everyone happy!

Everyone knows that the bull market will rise, but why should capital make everyone prosperous together? With the trend coming, the market volatility is greater. The only purpose is to wash you out of the car and realize wealth transfer. Therefore, brothers who play contracts must pay attention. Don’t play blindly until the end of the bull market and you still lose money.

The spot fell by 20% this time. Ethereum is as stable as an old dog. You know what to buy. Don’t stare at the cottage every day and say that it doubles quickly. How much can you get if it doubles quickly? How much can you buy? Does every cottage you buy double? If you can’t do it, put down your gambling and return to reality down to earth!

There is basically no trading volume on the weekend, which can be seen from yesterday. It is expected that there will be no major fluctuations before the data comes out on Wednesday. Just lie down and mess up in the next few days!

Intraday market analysis:

Bread was sideways yesterday, and it is expected to be the same during the day today. Pay attention to the two pressure levels of 69615-70120 above the rebound today. The bullish force will be stronger if it rebounds above 70120!

If the rebound today is not strong, the market will continue to fall back. Pay attention to the position of 69135 below. If it falls below this position, the daily line of Bread will start to pull back. Pay attention to the support below at 68845-68400-67755! #BTC走势分析 $BTC

Ether rebounded today and paid attention to the two pressure levels of 3710-3748 above. The bullish force will be stronger if it rebounds above 3748, and the market will continue to fluctuate upward!

If the rebound today is not strong, the market will continue to fall back. Pay attention to the positions of 3660-3620-3555 below! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH