Don't take it lightly, please! Listen once!

Don't take it lightly, please! Listen once!

Just now🚀, Donald Trump said he was the "Crypto President" at the tech fundraising event in San Francisco!

Donald Trump has always been very confident and courageous, standing on the podium of the tech fundraising event. His eyes, like a torch🔥, scanned the tech elites below the stage, as if he wanted to hold everyone's mind tightly.

"I am Donald Trump, the President of the United States, but today, I want to give myself a new title-" He paused, and his voice was so firm, "I am the 'Crypto President'!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became hot🔥. Trump's words were like a blockbuster bomb, which set off a big wave in the hearts of the audience. His eyes sparkled, as if he really saw through the infinite possibilities and great value of the crypto world.

"I know, you may think this is a bold and even arrogant self-proclaimed. But I want to tell you, I am not talking nonsense." Trump waved his arms, his tone full of confidence and determination, "I have always known that encryption technology is important. It is not only related to national security, but also to economic prosperity and the future of science and technology."

"Under my leadership, we will promote the development of encryption technology and allow it to play a greater role in finance, medical care, education and other fields. We want to create a safer and more efficient digital world so that everyone can enjoy the convenience and benefits brought by technology."

In Trump's speech, at this time, Trump's self-proclaimed ... 🎁

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