Why is it that 9 out of 10 bets lose money when playing contracts in the cryptocurrency circle?

You must understand these reasons.

First of all, we need to know, who did we lose money to?

Without a doubt, of course, we lost to the counterparty. If you open long positions when the market goes down, you lose to those who open short positions, and then you are liquidated, which means that you are eaten up by the counterparty.

But you, the smart one, will definitely ask, leaving aside the issue of the bull and bear market,

In theory, it should be 50-50, why is it 9 out of 10 bets lose?

In theory, it is 50-50, but you have to know that you are playing contracts. Contracts not only rely on market conditions, but also on factors such as technology and information.

More importantly, the institutional users here are professional sickles, and they even work with exchanges to engage in directional pins and long and short double explosions, which turns the 50-50 situation into a 9 out of 10 bets lose.

But you, the smart one, even if you know that there are institutions and dealers here, you still can't help but get out.

There are only two ideas, either you have made money on contracts before, or you always want to stop after getting your money back. Click on the avatar to follow Zhuye

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