Dormant Pre-Mine Address Awakens After 8.9 Years!

15 hours ago, the crypto community witnessed the reactivation of a long-dormant pre-mine address holding a significant stash of 6,000 ETH, worth approximately $21,962,887. This address had been silent for nearly 9 years.

Address: 0x352D29A26E8a41818181746467F582e6E84012e0

Total ETH: 6,000 ETH

Current Holdings: 5,996.99 ETH

Activity: Sent 3 ETH to three different addresses

The activation of this pre-mine address has stirred interest and speculation within the crypto community. While the address still holds nearly all its ETH, the small transactions to other addresses have caught the eye of many observers, sparking curiosity about the intentions behind these moves.