According to Odaily, UniSat, a prominent player in the digital space, has announced that it is in the final stages of distributing 'pizza' on the X platform. The team is currently addressing the remaining distribution tasks.

Users whose wallet addresses have been listed but have not yet received their 'pizza' are urged to remain patient as the distribution process is nearing completion. This announcement comes as a reassurance to those who have been eagerly awaiting their share.

The 'pizza' distribution is a significant event for UniSat and its users on the X platform. While the specifics of what 'pizza' entails were not detailed in the announcement, it is clear that the completion of this process is eagerly anticipated by the user base.

UniSat's announcement serves as a reminder of the ongoing developments in the digital space, with companies like UniSat at the forefront of these advancements. As the distribution process nears its end, users are encouraged to stay patient and await their 'pizza'.