Voting concluded 👨🏻‍⚖️

How will users behave with the new #IO launchpool?

Yesterday I asked you to vote on how you would behave regarding the new IO coin launch.

The poll lasted 1 day and received 245 votes (really not bad 😉).

It is said that 70 votes are enough to have a clear and truthful picture based on the question posed.

The interesting thing is that 90% of users intend to preview the coin through farming.

Only 28% will use $BNB coupled with $FDUSD to preview the coin.

The majority of votes fell on investment with only BNB (45%) while the percentage of those who intend to use only the digital dollar for farming the new currency is 17%.

Now, given that the majority of users have decided to have the coin in preview, we can predict that when the IO coin is released on the market, there will be a high trading volume of the same coin.

The latest launch pools have taught us how the market goes crazy in the first minutes of the launch.

For further information, read the linked post.

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