g Binance's 55th project, IO.NET (IO), on the Binance Launchpool, starting June 7, 2024, step by step:

1. Project Announcement 🎉

Project: IO.NET (IO)

Platform: Binance Launchpool

Project Number: 55th

Start Date June 7, 2024

2. Introduction to IO.NET 🌐

Description: IO.NET is a revolutionary project focusing on decentralized network infrastructure and data storage solutions.

3. Participation Overview 📈


All Binance users can participate in the Launchpool.


Users must hold BNB, TUSD, or IO tokens to participate.

4. Staking Details 🏦

Staking Period:

From June 7, 2024

Tokens for Staking:

Binance Coin (BNB)



Staking Pools:

BNB Pool: Stake BNB to earn IO

TUSD Pool: Stake TUSD to earn IO

IO Pool: Stake IO to earn more IO

5. Rewards Distribution 🏅

Reward Calculation:

Rewards are calculated based on the daily average balance of staked tokens.

Distribution Frequency: Daily

6. Key Dates 📅

Farming Period:

June 7, 2024 - July 7, 2024

Token Listing:

IO.NET (IO) will be listed on Binance on July 8, 2024.

7. Steps to Participate 🛠️

1. Log in:

Sign in to your Binance account.

2. Hold Tokens: Ensure you have BNB, TUSD, or IO tokens in your wallet.

3. Visit Launchpool:

Go to the Binance Launchpool section.

4. Select Pool:

Choose the BNB, TUSD, or IO pool.

5. Stake Tokens:

Stake the desired amount of tokens.

6. Earn Rewards:

Start earning IO rewards daily.

7. Monitor Rewards:

Check your earnings regularly on the Launchpool page.

8. Additional Information ℹ️


Detailed information on IO.NET's tokenomics is available on the Binance Launchpool page.

Risk Warning:

As with all investments, participating in the Launchpool carries risks. Ensure you understand these before participating.
