When I woke up in the morning, the news in the group exploded. Someone mortgaged HT to borrow U to buy HT, but ended up being liquidated and finally owed the exchange tens of millions.

Some people used APE borrowed by pledging HT to invest in financial management, but ended up with liquidation. Some people also lost money, and the money earned from financial management turned into liquidation and loss.

In 2020, the crude oil treasure product fell to negative numbers, trust products went bankrupt, and banks sued users who purchased the products to pay compensation to the banks.

The users had no choice but to pay the money, while others dragged their feet. There is no report on what happened next.

This time, so many people owed Huo Huo so much money. Sun Ge came up and said, "Forget it. We will bear the loss of the position ourselves. You don't have to pay it back."

But don't even mention taking the money in your assets, it all belongs to me. As for those who were liquidated due to the decline of HT, you can only blame yourself for misjudging me. Who told you to play with me? Who am I? Who am I? I am a person who thinks about cutting people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and only gets this title. I must keep it. Since so many of you have pledged HT, I will cut you.

As expected, Sun Ge's smile made life and death unpredictable. Nothing could be more heartbreaking than this.

HT fell from 4.9u to 0.3u in just 30 minutes. The decline was as high as 93.8%. Yes, you read it right. Xiaohuohuo, who was once as famous as Anan and competed with Erou for the second place, actually used such a desperate strategy to cut users. It's really rare to see it. I said yesterday that black swan events will always happen. As long as you keep shorting and have the funds to do it, you will definitely get a big drop. As a result, it was realized on HT today.

So the rules of the world are so transparent, just to tell you that people have no ability to predict the market, no one has. Because all the results of the market are the result of everyone's thoughts and actions. The human heart is hard to predict, nothing is more unpredictable than this. Don't play with leverage at this time, and don't borrow coins for interest. Even if you play low-leverage arbitrage, the collateral must be Bitcoin or ETH. You must use assets that no one can control. It is a very happy thing to have someone to accompany you to communicate. I hope you will take fewer detours on the road to getting rich.

Enter 👗Wealthbeauty1114

Now HT will reach 3.9, but will there be any big investors who dare to buy HT? Except for gamblers and leeks, who dares to hold HT? HT has been doomed and is on the road to zero.

I have some suggestions for Sun Ge. If he can follow them, maybe his character as Sun Ge can be reestablished and he can become the real Brother Sun.

First: Full compensation for the losses of the liquidated users, and at the same time, give each person who suffered the loss one year of free transaction fees on the exchange and compensate 500 HT.

Second: For users whose positions have been liquidated, the full losses of the users will be compensated, and each user will be given 2 years of fee-free trading on the exchange and 10,000 HT as compensation.

Third: Sun Ge will bear all the above compensations by himself, and will establish a compensation fund pool out of his own pocket. In the future, any user who suffers such losses in HT can get full compensation from the compensation fund.

Fourth: For users who hold HT and do not sell during the decline, 100 HT will be airdropped as a reward.

Fifth: Ensure that the future HT issuance will be open to all Chinese users, so that everyone can get a big profit. Even if there is no big profit, there will be no loss.

This is the best time to use money to exchange for credibility. I hope Sun Ge will not be ungrateful.
