I have been in the cryptocurrency circle for four years, and the highest return I have made is 102 times. Here are some of my experiences in the past four years.

1. There are opportunities everywhere in the bull market, but if you are greedy and want to grab them everywhere, it will not be good in the end.

Although the bull market is generally rising, the hype is still centered on the sector. And if a coin soars, it will drive the hype of its sector.

On the contrary, as long as you catch the rise of a sector, it is enough for you to make a lot of money. If you are lucky, you can catch the main rising wave of the sector rotation and the 2nd wave, and you will make unimaginable wealth.

2. There are some basic rules in the cryptocurrency circle

-Buy new and don’t buy old. Investors are fond of new and tired of old. Keep up with the latest market themes. Such as AI and SOL ecology in this round of bull market.

-Only big market has big opportunities. The market always has cycles, such as A1, early inscriptions, MEME, etc.

-You can’t open a full-position contract, you can’t open a high-multiple contract. If you really want to play, you must not exceed five times, and you must strictly set a stop loss! The best way is not to open a contract! Otherwise, you are likely to lose a lot!

-The currency circle often has a four-year cycle. You must sell all the altcoins at the peak of the bull market, otherwise when the bear market comes, the altcoins will fall by as much as 90%!

-The market plays with expectations. When expectations are fulfilled, the good/bad news will end.

-For non-large funds, it is enough to choose big-name exchanges such as OK. If your amount exceeds 1 million U, you can consider cold wallets.

3. Trading strategy suggestions

Instead of chasing hot spots, it is better to focus on good projects/sectors and get higher returns.

The market value valuation of hot projects is relatively sufficient, so hot projects are often doomed to die, and non-hot sectors may have high-multiple opportunities.

Select those that are recognized by the market but not favored by the whole people as the key research objects, so the potential returns are high and the risks are low;

It is not recommended to hold a full position in one sector. It is best to choose three or four sectors, with two coins in each sector, one sector leader coin to get Beta returns, and one coin with low market value and high potential to pursue high returns.

Open a position at the end of the bear market, increase positions at the beginning of the bull market, and leave the market at the end of the bull market. The bear market may last for about a year, and then enter a period of volatility. At this time, go to work or do your own business, and don't let yourself be idle. During a bear market, there won’t be too many good trades, so don’t open a position just because you’re itching to do so.#AI板块 #Meme幣 $AI $MEME