Twelve learning rules for newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle

1: Market transformation awareness

The cryptocurrency market is moving towards a formal financialization stage. Investors need to adjust their expectations and stay away from unrealistic dreams of huge profits. Even in a bull market, opportunities for doubling growth are becoming increasingly scarce.

2: Primary market warning

Although primary market investment may bring high returns, beware of the risk of project zeroing out. Even in some small exchanges, some opinion leaders often predict market changes in advance when unloading their positions.

3: Be cautious in contract trading

Full-position leveraged trading may bring huge profits, but it also comes with huge risks. Understanding the nature of trading is not only about single gains, but also about risk control and position management.

4: Stop loss in time

When the market is crazy about chasing up, it often means that the market is about to end. For investors who already hold the coin, consider exiting; for investors who do not hold it, avoid taking over.

5: Career development first

Academics, personal growth and stable income should be the primary considerations, and investment is only an auxiliary means. Trading is a long-term learning process that requires patience and continuous efforts.

6: Emotional management is key

Understand the principle of the same source of profit and loss, and stay calm regardless of profit or loss. By summarizing trading experience, constantly improve yourself and avoid emotional trading behavior.

7: Beware of investment traps

Don't trust others' investment advice easily and avoid being pitted by people driven by interests. The road to making money requires careful choices and decisions.

8: Be cautious of following the trend

Don't trust those who announce their earnings easily, often just to shape their own image rather than the real situation. Be wary of blindly following the trend and avoid becoming a target of harvesting.

9: Leverage trading risks

Leverage trading is extremely risky and most people will eventually lose money. Trade rationally to avoid losing principal and earnings due to greed.

10: Learning experience sharing

Follow experienced bloggers to get trading skills and experience from them, rather than being brainwashed or influenced by profit propaganda.

11: Independent thinking is crucial

Cultivate independent insights and thinking ability, and don't blindly follow other people's views. Everyone's trading theory should be unique and needs to be continuously improved through practice.

12: Communicate with veterans

Communicate with senior people in the currency circle and learn lessons from their experience.Discover and avoid the causes of losses in time, so as to achieve more stable returns.

On the road of exploring the cryptocurrency circle, remember the above professional guide to escort your own road to wealth.

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