Ondo: Short-term adjustment, long-term potential remains

🚀 Is Ondo experiencing market adjustment?

Recently, the Ondo project announced that it would transfer 62 million tokens to Coinbase for sale, with a total value of up to $100 million. This news has attracted widespread attention from the market.

🔍 Short-term behavior, long-term value remains unchanged

Although this is a short-term adjustment by the project party, in the long run, Ondo's potential should not be underestimated. Its project party is strong and has a solid foundation for long-term development.

📈 Low-price buying opportunity is coming

Remember that when the price of Ondo was 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8, I recommended everyone to pay attention all the way. Now, with the adjustment of the market, the long-awaited low-price buying opportunity has arrived. Do you dare to get on board?

Ondo's short-term adjustment does not mean that its long-term value has weakened. On the contrary, this is a good opportunity for investors to re-examine and layout.

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