Recently, some fans have been asking me, is this callback really over? Bitcoin has been halved for so long, why hasn't the bull market come yet?

I have also clearly said many times in Junyang that the callback will end on May 21st. On that day, the attitude of Ethereum ETF passed a 180° turn, ushering in a long-awaited surge in the market.

This callback started on March 13, 2024 and ended on May 21st, lasting two months and one week. Bitcoin callback from the highest point of 73,000 to the lowest point of 57,000, a callback of 22%. Reviewing the past few bull markets, the first wave of callbacks in the bull market were in the range of 20%~30%, and the length of the callback was between 1~3 months.

I have repeatedly talked about these contents before, and this callback once again confirms that this round of bull market is no different from the previous round of bull market. History will not repeat, but it is always similar.

This bull market started in October 2023 and will rise in the first wave to March 13, 2024. March 13 to May 21 is the first wave of big correction, without any surprises.

Now, we are about to enter the second stage of the bull market. The one in front of me is, uh, only one word, rise, of course, it may also be two words, big rise, three words are possible, such as crazy rise, or four words, fierce rise, five words are also OK, violent bull market.

Haha, I won't write it down, you just understand what I mean, so if you haven't gotten on the bus yet, get on the bus now, if you have no clue in the currency circle, then I suggest you follow me.

Finally, as a fresh blogger, I am motivated to bring fans ashore, the process is selfless, free of charge, here, you will keep up with everything and it will become very simple! ! ! Click on my avatar to find me! If you want to learn, reply to 666 in the comment area of ​​​​Mi Ma! #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布