Original text: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/web3-developer-roadmap/

Author: GeeksforGeeks

Compiled by: TinTinLand

Web3 refers to the third generation of the Internet and is the next evolutionary stage of connecting the world. Through blockchain technology, it will subvert the traditional Internet model and create a safer, more private, and more data-driven approach. It is also called the Semantic Web, which allows interactions between users and services to be carried out without the approval of centralized authorities in an open source state.

And what specific steps are required to become the most core role in the Web3 world - a developer?

Growing Demand for Web3 Developers

What is a Web3 Developer?

Web3 developers are software developers who specialize in building decentralized applications using the latest technologies and need to have a deep understanding of blockchain technology, decentralization, and cryptography. In addition, they need to have experience in object-oriented programming, software development, and agile methodologies. Web3 developers use various tools such as Solidity, Web3.js, and Truffle to build projects, such as:

  • NFT: NFT is a non-fungible token stored on the blockchain that is unique.

  • DeFi: Decentralized Finance allows the use of financial services beyond the limitations of the current centralized banking infrastructure. Decentralized blockchain technology is the foundation of DeFi.

  • Crypto: Crypto is a new type of currency that is different from cash in the traditional world. The typical example of cryptocurrency is Bitcoin.

  • DApps: Decentralized applications are built on top of blockchain and use smart contracts for service delivery. They also work on developing new blockchain platforms and integrating existing systems with blockchain technology.

Is there demand from Web3 developers?

With the rapid growth of the digital age, the demand for Web3 developers is increasing, with the industry growing rapidly by 395% in a single year. More and more companies are looking to integrate blockchain technology, so the demand is expected to grow further. The rise of the industry has transformed careers and created new opportunities in the field. These developers can work in a variety of roles such as software developers, blockchain architects, consultants, etc. So it is certain that there is a huge demand for Web3 developers, and it keeps growing.

Web3 Developer Salaries

There is a career in Web3 development that promises amazing salaries, global recognition, and lucrative growth opportunities. Web3 developer salaries depend on various factors such as location, experience, and type of organization. According to the latest reports, the average salary for Web3 developers is $120,000 per year. With the growth of Web3 development, salaries will continue to increase.

Web3 Developer Roadmap

The Web3 development space is constantly evolving, and Web3 developers are having the best opportunities right now. In this section, we will discuss the roadmap to becoming a Web3 developer.

1. Knowledge of programming languages

Computer coding is key to developing decentralized applications. Most blockchains require knowledge of a programming language for development. It is important to be proficient in programming languages ​​such as:

  • Solidity

  • JavaScript

  • Python

  • Rust

  • GoLang

  • C++

  • Java

TinTinLand has launched a series of Rust courses and more Web3 development language courses. Interested developers are welcome to embark on a learning journey together!

Rust course details: "Rust training camp is now recruiting! Start your $2,000 Bounty journey! "

More developer resource libraries: https://www.notion.so/TinTinLand-Community- 3 f 0 b 56879 c 57411 f 9 a 04 dd 8 2b a 541 e 6 a

2. Understand the concept of blockchain

The first thing to start learning is blockchain technology. Blockchain is a distributed database shared among computer network nodes. It is known for maintaining secure records in the Web3 world. So, first learn:

  • Introduction to blockchain technology: geeksforgeeks.org/blockchain-technology-introduction/

  • History of blockchain: geeksforgeeks.org/history-of-blockchain/

  • Features of blockchain: geeksforgeeks.org/features-of-blockchain/

  • Blockchain structure: geeksforgeeks.org/blockchain-structure/

  • Blockchain transaction life cycle: geeksforgeeks.org/blockchain-transaction-life-cycle/

  • Components of a blockchain network: geeksforgeeks.org/components-of-blockchain-network/

  • Blockchain protocols and how they work: geeksforgeeks.org/blockchain-protocols-and-their-working/

  • Top applications of blockchain in the real world: geeksforgeeks.org/top-applications-of-blockchain-in-the-real-world/

3. Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain with smart contract capabilities. Smart contracts help users conduct transactions without the need for a centralized system. Records are securely distributed across the network and cannot be altered. You need to have a solid understanding of the following important concepts:

  • What is Ethereum: geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-ethereum/

  • Components of the Ethereum Network: geeksforgeeks.org/components-of-ethereum-network/

  • What is Ethereum Virtual Machine? geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-ethereum-virtual-machine-and-how-it-works/

  • Nodes and Clients in Ethereum: geeksforgeeks.org/what-are-nodes-and-clients-in-ethereum/

  • How to deploy a smart contract on Ethereum: geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-simply-deploy-a-smart-contract-on-ethereum/

  • What is the Ethereum API: geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-build-a-node-js-api-for-ethereum/

4. Smart contract knowledge

Smart contracts are automated programs that run on a blockchain network, making agreements easier. Smart contracts can be used for transactions, executing legal agreements, and managing financial transactions. These are essentially codes that run and are recorded in the blockchain when certain conditions are met. Smart contracts can help you automate processes by initiating the next action when certain conditions are met. Therefore, it is important to understand smart contracts and their lifecycle, and write smart contracts in Solidity. You can refer to the following topics:

  • What are smart contracts: geeksforgeeks.org/smart-contracts-in-blockchain/

  • How to Simply Deploy a Smart Contract on Ethereum: geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-simply-deploy-a-smart-contract-on-ethereum/

5. Learn the Web3 framework

Familiarity with Web3 development frameworks is essential for building decentralized applications. Web 3.0 allows developers to easily create and run applications. You can start learning some common Web3 development frameworks, such as:

  • Truffle Framework: Truffle is a unified web development framework. It provides the tools needed to develop smart contracts, manage, debug, and easily deploy them. This framework helps developers throughout the project lifecycle. For more details, see Creating dApps with the Truffle Framework.

  • Hardhat Framework: The main goal of this framework is to provide all resources and tools for third-party developers. It supports Django and Ruby on Rails web development frameworks.

  • Open Zeppelin SDK: This framework was launched in February 2018. It provides secure tools and infrastructure for smooth development.

  • Brownie Framework: It is a blockchain framework that helps develop Nash equilibrium. It further allows automated interactions of participants related to the NFT market. To learn more about Web3 frameworks, visit 5 Best Frameworks for Developing Decentralized Applications, written by geeks for geeks.

6. Understand cryptography

Another important concept you need to grasp is cryptography. Cryptography is a technique for safe and secure communication in the presence of adversarial behavior. Web3 developers need to understand cryptography, its algorithms, and how these algorithms are developed. Here are some important concepts you need to refer to:

  • Cryptography and its types

  • Cryptography in blockchain

  • Blockchain hash function

  • Block Hash

  • Encrypting and decrypting files using OpenSSL

7. Decentralized application development

Now that you have a clear understanding of the basics, it's time to build your first decentralized application. By building this application, you will gain hands-on experience and learn about the best practices of decentralized application development.

8. Stay updated

Now that you have all the skills you need to become a Web3 developer, all you need to do now is stay updated. This field is constantly evolving, so be sure to stay tuned for more industry news and developer education content.

Welcome to join the TinTinLand community, or follow well-known organizations, KOLs, etc. on social media platforms to learn about the latest trends.

How to start a Web3 career?

To start your Web3 career, the first thing to do is to gain knowledge in technologies like blockchain, Solidity, Rust, smart contracts, programming languages, and cryptography. Once you have a solid knowledge of these concepts, you can start looking for different career paths like blockchain application developer, decentralized application developer, NFT developer, backend developer, etc. Also try to get some practical experience by building some projects, participating in online communities, conferences, and meetups.

Web3 Developer Jobs

The web is constantly evolving and there are many Web3 job opportunities available today, as described below:

  • Blockchain Developer: This is one of the most popular jobs in the Web3 space. These developers are responsible for the development and management of blockchain applications. To become a blockchain developer, you need to have proficiency in Web3 programming languages, knowledge of cryptography, problem-solving skills, and good communication skills.

  • DApp Developers: These developers are responsible for building applications that run on the decentralized web. To become a decentralized application developer, you need to be proficient in front-end languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Solidity Developers: These are people who write code using the Solidity language. These developers are in high demand as they can develop decentralized applications on the blockchain.

  • NFT Developer: Another common job in the Web3 development space is NFT Developer. They can manage non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These developers are in high demand, and many large organizations are willing to integrate NFTs in their business.

  • Blockchain Data Engineer: These engineers are responsible for managing and processing data in the blockchain. To become a blockchain data engineer, you need to be proficient in processing languages ​​such as SQL, Python, or R. Currently, Web3 developers are in high demand as they are responsible for managing data on the blockchain.

The Web3 development industry is growing and everyone is excited about the next generation of the Internet. Now is the best time to start your career in Web3 development. Just follow the roadmap above and you will be able to achieve your dream.