On June 7, 2024, ORDI returned to the 60 mark.

Through ORDI's trend over the past year or so, Brother Wang will talk to you about how dog dealers wash the market.

When I first saw ORDI, it was priced at $1 and had a market value of $21 million. The entire BRC20 sector was only worth more than $3,000. After learning about it, I started to invest in it in small quantities.

About 20 days later, ORDI went viral and was listed on OpenSesame and Ouija, with the highest price reaching 28 US dollars.

At this time, the entire network was promoting ordi and BRC20 inscriptions. After reaching $15, Brother Wang was eliminated in batches and no longer paid attention.

Until Ordi fell below $10 again, I began to pay attention to it again, analyze it, and be optimistic about its long-term prospects. I started to arrange it in batches from $7 downwards and bought it until $2.8.

Among them, many retail investors were too impatient and bought large positions at $10 or $13 in advance, and then kept complaining and asking whether Ordi was garbage and whether they could still hold it.

At this time, many KOLs said, "Ordi is like air, it will return to zero sooner or later."

At the beginning, I would answer, but as time went on, I became too lazy to reply to these private chats because I knew it was a black hole that could never be explained clearly, and I had no obligation to brainwash others.

I'm just too lazy to respond to private messages. When someone asks me, I just say that I'm optimistic about the long term, nothing else. However, I have always been optimistic about public accounts and social media.

After October, ordi started to rise. At first, I thought it could rise to 50 in the last round, but later it rose to more than 90. During this period, I still exited in batches.

At that time, everyone was in FOMO, thinking that Ordi could see 200 or even higher, which was extremely crazy.

At this time, I once said in the community, "In the long run, there is a very high possibility, but don't chase highs in the short term. Don't be influenced by what the outside world says, 100, 200, just sell at highs."

In the article, I also shared the operation of converting the inscription part into Ethereum L2 or other plates.

"The long-term outlook is bullish, but there is a high possibility of a short-term pullback due to pressure," this was the view on Ordi at the time.

Afterwards, the inscriptions fell into an overall correction, which has lasted for more than half a year. This is related to B An’s fancy operations and the rise of amateur runes.

During the decline, many people began to doubt, feel distressed, and ask questions.

Especially the stock market crash on April 14th, which directly shattered the confidence of many people.

It’s garbage time again, and the same wash is repeated. This time, it’s the same story. The reason is that too many people have problems with their layout strategies, too heavy positions under FOMO emotions, and unreasonable buying timing.

Or to put it simply, they are not prepared for a possible decline in ordi (even if you are optimistic about the long-term, you have to arrange in batches), or they do not understand this kind of market manipulation at all. To put it more seriously, they do not have enough understanding of the risks of cryptocurrencies.

Those who had heavy positions in 70-80-90, when ORDI fell to over 30, began to repeatedly ask me whether they should continue to hold them. People outside said that ORDI would fall to 20, 10, or even zero.

Everyone should be clear about one thing: Brother Wang may write his own analysis, openly and objectively, but he cannot be responsible for anyone's investment. The premise of any analysis I make is "invest within a reasonable range and deploy in batches". If the position is too heavy, it will lead to fear of gain and loss. In this case, no one will provide any advice, after all, it is very involved.

But for public articles, I can analyze them according to my own views.

On April 30, I wrote an article: A big clean-up of copycat products, market forecast for May, in one word: good!

There were some predictions in this article, one of which was about Ordi.

In an article a few days ago, I also said that we should layout the sluggish BTC inscription ecosystem.

What are the inscription ecosystems of BTC?

Except for one leading stock, Ordi, I have even replaced all my sats. The others are very small positions and not worth mentioning.

After this long and violent clean-up, Audi has returned to the 60 mark. There are many things worth thinking about.

Ordi did not return to zero as analyzed by many people (those masters who have never held it). The previous repeated stories of wash-outs were repeated once again. Have you been fooled?

Brother Wang feels that cryptocurrency trading is a cycle. Every round of rise repeats the same tragedy because of missing out; every round of decline also repeats the same tragedy because of the pain of being trapped ALL IN, over and over again.

I suggest that everyone should learn to think and be responsible for their own investment instead of relying on others. I also hope that next time when the market plummets again, people will not complain but buy the bottom slowly.

The last sentence for everyone is: There is no standard answer for investment. What you can do is simple. Do your best, think in reverse, and don't complain about the rise and fall. Only make money within your cognition, never worry about gains and losses, and don't complain. #ORDIUSDT