CoinVoice recently learned that a16z Crypto investor Guy Wuollet said at X that ZK technology is seriously underestimated.

Guy Wuollet discussed the huge potential of ZK in cryptocurrencies and developer tools. Wuollet pointed out that ZK technology is expected to bring a series of innovative applications by analogy with the success of the iPhone. He mentioned that the success of the iPhone lies in the combination of programmable mobile computers, GPS and high-quality cameras, which gave rise to applications such as Instagram and Uber. Similarly, ZK technology, especially zkVMs (such as Jolt), may bring similar revolutionary changes. He believes that DeFi protocols should adopt risk modeling in ZK and use more complex pricing functions.

In addition, blockchain and ZK proofs can enable people to have censorship-resistant AI companions and be used to prove simple machine learning models. Wuollet concluded that ZK technology can be used to build more complex DeFi protocols, censorship-resistant AI companions, or on-chain machine learning, calling on developers to pay attention to this emerging field. [Original link]