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🔹Reviews of Cognitive Society

There is a big difference between the highest point of Bitcoin's rebound on June 6, 71,500, and the pressure point of 72,500 in yesterday's article of Cognitive Society.

The difference between the highest point of Bitcoin's rebound on June 5, 71,400, and the pressure point of 70,900 in yesterday's article of Cognitive Society

Bitcoin's highest rebound point of 70,000 on June 4 coincides with the pressure point of 70,000 in yesterday's Cognitive Society article

Bitcoin's highest rebound point of 70,200 on June 3 coincides with the pressure point of 70,000 in yesterday's article by Cognition Society

On June 6, Bitcoin began to grind to 72,000, which can be called a strong consolidation. Bitcoin is once again approaching its historical high.

As long as Bitcoin holds 70,000, it will repeatedly sprint to 72,500 and 74,000, and the strong pressure level is around 80,000.

Bitcoin's daily indicators began to recover, and Bitcoin spot ETF once again saw a buy order of 480 million US dollars, which is an absolute increase in funds. The trading market often says that a big positive line brings thousands of troops to meet, which means that the market's confidence comes from the positive line. In essence, it is the source of market confidence.

If Bitcoin can sprint to 72,500 or even 74,000, the market should rise in tandem. If the copycat wants to take off, it needs a leader, such as ORDI's 60, UNI's 12, SOL's 190, NFP0.63, Ethereum's 4,200, LINK23. These strong pressure points require huge amounts of funds in the billions to unlock the locked-in positions.

The main force's determination is not based on words, let alone bragging, but on sprinting to the strong pressure point and using huge amounts of funds to release the locked-in positions.

I don’t dare to brag about which sector will explode first, but I like to buy at low prices and pay attention to the sharp drop. The core strategy of the bull market is to enter the market when the market plummets.

ORDI drives Inscription's rebound

If LINK surges, it will drive the oracle sector

If UNI can maintain 12, it will drive the DEFI sector

If JUP and JTO soar, the SOL ecosystem will take off

If the price of bome SATS shib MEME skyrocketed, the meme sector would take off

If ENA has a chance to be around 0.83, TNSR 1.1 and SAGA 2.5 are all good opportunities. Although there may not be any chance, there should be an oversold rebound around W 0.6 and PYTH 0.42.

There is still some time before the Ethereum spot ETF is open for trading, so every time there is a sharp drop in Ethereum, it is the first thing to consider.

Pay attention to Ethereum when it is low, and the Ethereum ecosystem is the core strategy.

🔹The K-line spirit of cognitive society

Many new fans feel that the articles of Cognition Society do not have direct bullish or bearish opinions, which affects the chances of making money by playing contracts. The principle of Cognition Society is to play more spot in a bull market. We do not over-judge the rise and fall of short-term prices. This is not Tai Chi, but Cognition Society has its own principles.

Cognitive Society does not know when Bitcoin will plummet, but we remind ourselves that every time Bitcoin plummets, it is an opportunity. We enter the market when Bitcoin plummets and deploy our favorite Ethereum UNI and hot altcoins.

Therefore, if you hold 8 layers of positions, you should control your positions to around 7 layers when Bitcoin accelerates its rise. In the bull market, don't fantasize about shorting your positions every time Bitcoin plummets.


Tonight, the total net inflow of US Bitcoin spot ETFs was $488 million. ETFs have continued to have net inflows for 17 consecutive days

📍Cognition Society Interpretation: The invincible buying power of American institutions.

BNY Mellon survey: 39% of family offices are investing in or exploring cryptocurrencies

The 2024 BNY Mellon Wealth Management Study shows that family offices are divided on cryptocurrency investments.

About 39% of the family offices surveyed are actively investing in cryptocurrencies or considering investing in cryptocurrencies, highlighting their strong interest in this modern asset class. These family offices are motivated by the desire to keep up with new investment trends and opportunities brought about by digital assets.

Conversely, an almost equal number (38%) said they were not interested in cryptocurrencies, citing concerns about the high volatility of digital assets and the unclear regulatory environment.

Issues such as hacking and cybercrime have further discouraged these family offices from getting involved in cryptocurrencies. Among those who are exploring or investing in cryptocurrencies, there is a clear preference for public market ETFs that include cryptocurrencies, while some prefer to trade them directly on exchanges.

📍Interpretation of Cognition Society: We have persisted until today, and Bitcoin has finally been recognized by the world and mainstream society. This is the biggest progress.

Institutional investors have increased their allocation to Meme coins by more than 300% this year, mainly focusing on DOGE and SHIB

Institutional investors’ allocation to meme coins has grown by more than 300% this year, reaching a peak of nearly $300 million in April, Bybit said in a report on Wednesday. Currently, popular choices are DOGE and SHIB, mainly because they have ample liquidity in the spot market, while Solana ecosystem meme coin BONK has attracted more than $75 million in institutional bets.

📍Cognition Society Interpretation: Times have changed. Before, we studied technology by reading white papers, but now we are talking about meme coins directly.

Mastercard to Reinstate Crypto Payments and Deposits on Binance

Mastercard will resume cryptocurrency payment and deposit services on Binance, while withdrawal services have not yet been restored but are expected to be restored later. It is reported that Binance-branded Visa cards have also been restored on the exchange.

📍Interpretation of Cognition Society: The threshold for incremental users in a bull market needs to be lowered.

🔹Summary: Bitcoin is bullish as long as it does not break 70,000. Every time Bitcoin falls back, it is an opportunity for Ethereum to enter the market.

There is no destructive negative news. Bitcoin 56600 is likely to be the bottom area of ​​the third historical bottom. At present, it is likely that April 14th is the historical bottom area. Bitcoin 56500 is likely to be the bottom area;

May 2024 is the mid-term of the bull market for Bitcoin and Ethereum. Every plunge is an opportunity. Long-term K-line research focuses on Ethereum UNI OP NEAR BLUR and Link Bread;

🔹Short-term data


Support: 70500      69000

Pressure level: 72600 74000


3850 is grinding, 4150 is the strong pressure point

If the Ethereum spot ETF is traded in August, there are still 2 months left

Focus for the next six months

A sharp drop is an opportunity to enter the market

Deploying Ethereum is the core strategy

The highest point of Ethereum's rebound on June 6 was 3880, which coincides with the pressure point of 3900 in the article of Cognitive Society yesterday.

The highest point of Ethereum's rebound on June 5 was 3840, which coincides with the pressure point of 3850 mentioned in yesterday's article.

The highest point of Ethereum's rebound on June 3, 3854, coincides with the pressure point of 3860 mentioned in yesterday's article.

On June 2, the highest point of Ethereum rebound was 3838, which was close to the pressure point of 3860 mentioned in yesterday’s article.

Pressure level: 3900 4000

Support: 3800      3770


When the market is rising, LINK is sideways and falling

17 and 19.2 boxes, see where to break through

New value, new RWA leader, the plunge can be configured, cognitive society 22 23 years 5 layout LINK

🏷 him

Wait for good news to come, don’t chase high prices

10 is the key support level 12 is the strong resistance level


The ether is weak and the ether sequence is also weak

0.38 is weak but within expectations

0.43 0.45 pressure level

Cognitive Society reminds you at the top of BLUR 0.8 and starts to update again at 0.4

Support: 0.39 0.37

Cognition Society believes that BLUR's sharp drop can be used to allocate some long-term investments in batches


Damn, OP is weak if he doesn't stand firm at 3, but he can't stand firm at 2.7

Cognition Society was the only one who reminded us to upgrade Cancun when the OP bottom was around 1.3.

Pressure level: 2.55 2.7

Support level: 2.4 2.3


There are ENS big players shipping, pay attention to whether 24 can hold


1.06 Key Support Level

1.26 key pressure point

Cognitive Society Earth Exclusive Reminder "ARB" 0.9 below the fixed investment, for example 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73. The actual minimum is 0.74


The highest TNSR on June 6 was 1.38, which coincided with yesterday's pressure level of 1.4.

The lowest level of 1.24 is consistent with the support level of 1.25 in yesterday's cognitive article

Pressure level 1.4 1.5

Support level 1.3 1.24



180 190 Pressure level


If 3 is not broken, the price will surge sooner or later. 3.55 is the short-term pressure level. 4 is the strong pressure level.

On June 6, the lowest WIF level of 3.3 coincided with the support level of 3.35 in the article of Cognitive Society yesterday.

The highest WIF of 3.55 on June 5th coincides with the pressure level of 3.5 in yesterday’s Cognitive Society article.

On June 4, the lowest WIF level of 3.2 was consistent with the support level of 3.2 in the Cognitive Society article yesterday.

On June 3, the lowest WIF level was 3.07, which coincides with the support level 3 in the article of Cognitive Society yesterday.

WIF3.5 3.7 Pressure Level 3.25 3 Support Level


If it doesn't break 0.0118, it will hit 0.015 sooner or later.

On June 6, BOME's highest point was 0.0141, which coincided with the pressure point of 0.014 in yesterday's article by Cognition Society.

On June 5, BOME’s lowest point was 0.013, which coincided with the support level of 0.013 in yesterday’s Cognitive Society article.

On June 4, BOME’s lowest point was 0.013, which coincided with the support level of 0.013 in yesterday’s Cognitive Society article.

On June 3, BOME’s lowest point was 0.013, which coincided with the support level of 0.013 in yesterday’s Cognitive Society article.

On June 2, BOME's lowest price of 0.013 coincided with the support level of 0.013 in yesterday's Cognitive Society article.

Bome resistance level 0.014 0.015 Support level 0.013 0.012


If you want to choose a direction, you need to see where 1.05 and 1.2 will break through.

Hold 1.05 and look to the upside.

JUp resistance level 1.2 1.27 support level 1.06 1


It's OK if it doesn't break 3.4, but it breaks the weakness.

On June 6, the lowest JTO was 3.55, which was consistent with the 3.5 expected by the Cognitive Society yesterday.

On June 5, the highest JTO was 3.77, which was consistent with the pressure level of 3.8 yesterday.

On June 4, the highest JTO was 3.65, which coincided with the pressure point of 3.7 yesterday.

JTO resistance level 3.8 4 3.5 3.3 support level

🏷 AI

Because Nvidia's surge to 1.28

You can invest regularly if the market drops sharply

Every time AI plummets, you should allocate some and pay attention to it. The new batch of long-term coins that Cognitive Society pays attention to


7.7 is the short-term pressure level

Cognitive Society is the most optimistic about NEAR on the planet. NEAR1 has been updating frantically. Now NEAR is ranked behind in the article because it has risen too much. Maybe NEAR may reach 40 in the future, and there is not much room for growth.

When the price of NEAR23 is around 1, Cognition Society is the only one that reminds you to invest regularly when the price is around 1.3 to 1.

Pressure level: 7.7 8

Support: 7.4 7.2


The key to take-off is to stand firm 0.6 0.63

Support: 0.55   0.53

Pressure level: 0.6 0.63

Every time NFP plummets, you should allocate some and pay attention to the new batch of long-term coins that Cognitive Society is focusing on.


The historical high is about to hit 750

Can you believe it?

On Earth, when BNB is around 200, Cognition Society exclusively reminds you to invest in BNB between 210 and 180

Support Levels:

Pressure level: 720 750


Lying flat 0.35 0.4 The pressure is very strong

Reduce positions near the cost of 1000SATS, and reduce the proportion of long-term positions after reducing positions. The fluctuation is too large and most people can't stand it.


Lying flat 0.18 is the key pressure point

Reduce positions near the cost of 1000RATS, and reduce the proportion of long-term positions after reducing positions. The fluctuation is too large and most people can't stand it.


Just hit 2.2 2.5 is the key pressure point

Every time DYDX plummets, you should allocate some and pay attention to it. The new batch of long-term coins that Cognitive Society pays attention to

Cognitive Society is very optimistic about the future and value of DYDX, which can be followed in batches


0.5 and 0.55 pressure levels

🔹Understanding attitude towards making money

Cognitive Society does not like hindsight

I don’t like those KOLs who claim that they can make a lot of money.

If someone in the cryptocurrency circle could profit from the rise and fall of every coin

Leverage is not about making 10 billion a year

But the second largest exchange on earth saw the market makers manipulate the market, and it only lost billions and went bankrupt.

Form your own trading system and make money within your own cognitive scope. Don't fantasize about making money from every daily rise and fall, let alone the rise and fall of every coin. This person does not exist on the earth, nor does this kind of organization. If such an organization existed, FTX, the exchange that looks after the main backstage, would not have gone bankrupt.

Mismatch between desire and ability

The heart can never be at peace

How can you hold on to the coins if you are not calm inside?

Many people always like to rely on other people's promises and guarantees to hold on to their coins when the market crashes.

Banks are going bankrupt. Even some big countries’ fiat currencies are going bankrupt. Evergrande and Zhongzhi Group are bankrupt with tens of trillions of dollars.

Do you think people who promise returns can be trusted in such a high-risk place like the crypto industry?

The charlatan is just talking nonsense. As for the real crash and bear market, have you ever seen those people who promote the bull market every day?