Current Price: SHIB is currently trading at 0.00002528 USDT.

Key Levels

Support Levels:

Around 0.00002160 USDT (lower Bollinger Band)

Around 0.00002501 USDT (Cloud Span A)

Resistance Levels:

Around 0.00002707 USDT (middle Bollinger Band)

Around 0.00002582 USDT (Cloud Base Line)

Around 0.00002625 USDT (99-day Moving Average)


Moving Averages: Short-term (7 days): 0.00002511 USDT Medium-term (25 days): 0.00002549 USDT

Long-term (99 days): 0.00002625 USDT

Volume: Trading volume is low, indicating less market activity recently (Volume Oscillator: -10.55%).


1.Current RSI (14 days): 52.31, which is neutral (neither overbought nor oversold).

2.Current Values: %K: 30.03, %D: 16.96, indicating the market is slightly oversold, suggesting a potential price increase.

3.Current ADX (14 days): 15.43, indicating a weak trend.

Overall Trend [Cloud Indicators]:

Current Status: Price is within the cloud, indicating consolidation (sideways movement without a strong trend).

Future Cloud: Slight bullish bias but weak.

Summary :

What's Happening: SHIB's price is currently in a consolidation phase with no strong trend direction.

Current Trend: Neutral, as indicated by various indicators.

Key Points to Watch:

Support: If the price falls below 0.00002501 USDT, it could drop to the next support level around 0.00002160 USDT.

Resistance: If the price rises above 0.00002707 USDT, it could continue to rise towards 0.00002625 USDT.

Advice: The market is currently neutral with low volatility. It might be wise to wait for a clear breakout above resistance or breakdown below support before making a trading decision. Keep an eye on volume and other indicators for confirmation of the next move.