Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum trends in the early morning:

The daytime deduction of the big cake clearly stated that the 4-hour closing line is still above 71,000, indicating that the bulls are still relatively strong, and it will still go up after sideways. This afternoon, the lowest was inserted at 70,850, and the 4-hour closing line was above 71,000. At night, it broke through the first target and was only 100u away from the second target.

Pay attention to the position of 71,150 in the early morning. If the 4-hour closing line is still above, it is very likely to go up. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 71,750-72,140 (these two positions are the pressure range of the daily line)

If it falls below 71,150, the 1/2/4 hour level will start to pull back, and pay attention to the lower support level near 70,870-70465-69,725! #BTC走势预测 $BTC

Ether inserted the support range position given during the day and quickly pulled up at night. Pay attention to the position of 3855 at night. As long as it stands above this position, the 1/2 hour correction is completed, and the market will most likely go up. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure position near 3881-3905-3938.

If it can't go up to 3855, then pay attention to the position of 3840 below. If it falls below, it will start to pull back in 4 hours. Pay attention to the lower support position near 3810-3790-3770. #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH