According to Odaily, a survey conducted among 21,000 Spanish Worldcoin customers revealed that 81% of respondents feel secure using Worldcoin, with 15% uncertain. The survey also indicated strong support for the return of Worldcoin operations in Spain, with 87% in favor and 9% uncertain. The 24-hour survey was carried out in late May by Worldcoin contributor Tools for Humanity (TFH) via the World App. It asked verified World ID holders a series of questions related to Worldcoin, biometric technology, proof of humanness, and data privacy protection.

In response to the recent announcement by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) that Worldcoin has legally agreed not to resume its operations in Spain before the end of the year, Worldcoin responded in a blog post. Tools for Humanity has announced that it has filed a lawsuit against the AEPD's order. Currently, all World ID verification services in Spain have been suspended, but the first wallet of the Worldcoin project, the World App, is still available for use.